Water Drop Animation

Language: Processing or Javascript

I love Processing. I love to make cool animations for the fun of it. They also have a Javascript library. I thought it would be awesome to bring some interactive cool Processing sketches I have made to my website. I love how you can breathe life into code. Graphics help illustrate this life! This animation is my WaterDrop. My WaterDrop animation has turned into my "Hello World" program to test new programming languages and technology. I even made a waterdrop clock for a Flutter clock competition.

This program is just a simple animation I made of dripping water. Think about water pooling up at a ledge and falling. It does not have realistic physics, and I sort of hack together some physics that looks real enough. I may do some research and build a better physics animation. I may use a physics engine that already exists. I may not and look to make something else cool. Either way, I hope you enjoy and please browse GitHub and play around with the code and make it better!